21+ Unique 21st Birthday Party Favor Ideas for an Unforgettable Party (2022)

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It’s your 21st birthday…

Let’s get the party started!

Hang on there, tiger… aren’t you forgetting something?

… You want an UNFORGETTABLE 21st birthday party, right?

[And If you’re the parent of a 21-year-old, newsflash – that’s exactly what your child wants]

Well, guess what – I bet there’s going to be quite a bit (a bit?) of alcohol involved… so you can kiss “unforgettable” goodbye…

Because once the alcohol starts pouring in, memories start pouring out…

Want your guests to have the time of their life and actually remember your party? Give them something they’ll remember that doesn’t rely on their memory.

Yep, I’m talking about your awesome 21st birthday party favors!

Note: Some of these favor ideas contain affiliate links. Which means that if you choose to buy any of these favors – you’ll do me a small favor too and support my site… yaaay 🙂

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